Using options, we create a "synthetic" exposure to the underlying asset-class.
Historically, this methodology has proven to produce better investment outcome.
We define "better" as:-
1. Reduced risk/volatility
2. Higher returns
Like with many things, options can be risky depending on how they are used. We use options to gain exposure to the underlying asset. While options offer leverage, if you do not use that leverage, then in most circumstances you will do no worse than the underlying market, and in most cases, you should do better. We mostly sell options, buying only to close already opened positions.
We offer two fee structures:
We we work with any broker or custodian you choose. If you don't have a preferred firm, we recommend InteractiveBrokers.
Contact us for historical performance data.
Contact us and we will send you our Form ADV that we are required by law to file with the regulators. The form contains detailed information about our firm. We will also arrange to meet with you and answer any additional questions you may have.